News & Information

Can I Drive After an Eye Exam?

In most cases, you should be able to drive immediately after your eye exam in Northwest Florida. How soon you can drive depends on the exam procedures and your eye condition. An eye exam may include pupil dilation, which can cause some blurred vision. However, if you have relatively normal vision, the blurred vision will…

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Does My Child Have Eye Problems?

When a child experiences eye pain or irritation, they're not always good at expressing their problem. Some children may allow an eye problem to continue without telling you. So, it's a good idea to identify symptoms when they occur so that you can schedule a visit to an eye doctor in Northwest Florida.  Below, we…

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What Can Eye Pain and Fever in Children Be a Sign Of?

Eye pain and fever in children can be a sign of a medical condition such as meningitis, pneumonia, bronchitis, croup, pink eye or the common cold. While many of these medical conditions occur due to infections, others are triggered by allergies, low immunity or injuries.  If your child complains of eye pain and runs a…

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How to Identify and Treat Children's Eye Infections

Eye infections are widespread among children, especially in public areas such as schools, daycares or places where children play together. Since children think nothing of contact, they are often in proximity to one another, which makes it easy for children's eye infections to spread. Nearly one in eight children get eye infections annually, including conjunctivitis…

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What Is Pink Eye (Conjunctivitis) in Children?

If your child comes home complaining of itching, irritation or burning in their eyes, they may have pink eye. If so, you need to schedule an eye exam right away with an eye doctor in Northwest Florida. The doctor can help your child find relief from the symptoms of pink eye and avoid spreading it…

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How Do I Take Care of My Child's Eyes?

Educating children at a young age about eye care is crucial to maintaining long-term, high quality vision. If you introduce your child to healthy practices in their early years, they are more likely to develop habits that will protect their eyes and preserve their vision throughout their life. Many of the lessons about proper eye…

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What Not to Do Before an Eye Exam

Most medical procedures or exams require some form of preparation. For instance, a doctor may tell you only to drink liquids before a surgical procedure. The same requirements are true for an eye exam. What you do and don't do can directly impact the results. Therefore, there are several things you should avoid in the…

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Is an Eye Exam Preventive Care?

Yes, an eye exam is a form of preventive care. During an eye exam, your eye doctor assesses your eyes to determine the quality of your vision and diagnose any eye conditions. Your doctor can prevent a condition from occurring or worsening by identifying health issues. So, eye exams are preventive care. For this reason,…

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What is a Diabetic Eye Exam?

During a diabetic eye exam, the doctor evaluates your retina and retinal blood vessels—the two areas of your eyes most affected by diabetes. During the exam, your vision specialist will first gather any relevant information in terms of your medical history and then have you read a standard eye chart. Afterwards, a series of tests…

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How to Protect Your Child's Eyes from Digital Eye Strain

Digital eye strain is not just a problem for adults. Children from toddler age to adolescence can also suffer from digital eye strain at an early age, due to overexposure to or misuse of device screens. Devices such as computers, smartphones, tablets and televisions produce intense artificial light that can hurt your child's eyes and…

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